This curriculum combines daily Bible reading, spiritual disciplines, and a fasting focus to help individuals draw closer to God. Each day centers on a theme that nurtures your relationship with Him. Be sure to complete each activity every day. This curriculum more concise so that you can focus on spending more time with God. Read and meditate on every scripture. Feel free to read more if you desire. This will be 21 days of experiencing God and His miracles. Let’s Get Started!
Sharing the gospel.
Share your faith story with one person.
What is God’s purpose for you in this season?
Praying for others.
Pray for five people by name.
Which fruit of the Spirit do you want to grow in?
Standing for what is right.
Research a justice issue and pray for those affected.
How can your daily life reflect worship to God?
Meeting others’ needs.
Volunteer or serve someone in your community.
How can you develop a habit of constant prayer?
Strengthening the body of Christ.
Pray for unity in your church.
How can you be a light to those around you?
Being courageous in faith
Pray for boldness to fulfill your calling.
In what ways is God calling you to wait on Him?
Rejoicing in God’s faithfulness.
Attend the closing celebration service
How can you continue to abide in God’s love after this fast?
Trusting in God’s promises.
Create a prayer-list. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need prayer. As He reveals the areas, take a sheet of paper or the notes page on your phone and start a list then begin praying over your list everyday.
What helps you recognize God’s voice?
Asking God to remove distractions from your life and anything that counteracts and anything that hinders you from hearing His voice and trusting His promises.
Surrendering pride.
Be intentional and Serve someone in need today. Find someone who could use a little help and offer it to them.
Write down areas in your life where God is calling you to obey Him today?
Asking God to reveal areas of pride in your life and to help you live a life of humility.
Letting go of offenses.
Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you (even if not sent).
How can you rely more on God’s Word for direction?
Asking God to help you forgive all offenses in your heart.
Giving sacrificially.
Give to someone in need or donate to a ministry.
How can you step out in faith in your relationship with God?
Asking God to help you trust Him with your finances.
Waiting on God.
Spend time in prayer for something you’ve been waiting on.
How can you live more fully in God’s love?
Asking God what it really means to be patient and wait on Him.
Finding joy in all circumstances.
Give to someone in need or donate to a ministry.
Reflect on areas where you need to grow in contentment.
What does it mean to rely on God’s strength daily?
Loving as Christ loves.
Perform a random act of kindness.
How does God’s presence change the way you live?
Asking God to teach you to love others the way He does.
Establishing a prayer rhythm. Set aside three specific times for prayer today.
Create a prayer-list. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need prayer. As He reveals the areas, take a sheet of paper or the notes page on your phone and start a list then begin praying over your list everyday.
What does it mean for you to seek God first in all areas of life?
Developing a prayer life that gets results.
Reflecting on God’s Word.
Meditate on one passage and journal your thoughts.
How has God shown His faithfulness to you recently?
Asking God for divine understanding and revelation knowledge of His word.
Offering praise to God.
Spend 30 minutes in personal worship through music or spoken praise.
In what areas do you need to trust God more?
Creating a consistent time and place for personal worship in your life.
Seeking forgiveness and healing.
Confess your sins to God and, if applicable, to a trusted friend.
How does God’s consistency provide stability in your life?
Asking God to reveal any and all unconfessed sin's and asking Him to surround you with God-fearing friends that you can confess to and be held accountable by.
Church On Purpose
325 South High Street, Longview, Texas 75601, United States