Digital Media Compositor
Year I Joined Church on Purpose : When we started (served under Pastor Love for about 8 years prior.)
My Salvation Story: I’ve been involved in church my whole life. However, I did obtain a personal relationship Christ until I started attending New Birth.
Education: Bachelor in Christian Phycology
Previous Line of Work: Customer Service Professional - 12 years
Best Thing Someone Has Said To Me: Haven’t heard it yet
Life Motto: Perception is the way of the world, But conception is the way of God’s kingdom.
Two People I Would Like to Meet: Dr. Matthew Stevensons and Dr. Cindy Trimm
My Heroes (Besides Jesus): My Dad
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: The Greatest experience is Salvation itself
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: That I am somewhat Shy
One Thing I Find Fascinating: It takes a lot to Fascinate me
Church On Purpose
325 South High Street, Longview, Texas 75601, United States