If you would like to be a part of one of the many ministries’ at C.O.P, please sign up at the volunteer desk in the foyer. If you do not know where that is, you can find out by asking any of the leaders in the church.
The first thing you do is begin to attend regularly. This is so that you can be around fellow believers and around the word of God. Also we recommend you join one of our small groups in order to be developed into the man or woman God is calling you to be.
If you are coming from a different church, we are elated that you are joining us. Our prayer is that you left in good standing with your last place of worship.
The proper way to leave any church for whatever reason is to be released by the spiritual head of the church. Prior to joining C.O.P make sure you have contacted your previous pastor and discussed your transition with him/her either in writing or person to person.
Our philosophy is that everything done in our ministry must help to accomplish the great commission and help to fulfill the mission and vision of Church On Purpose.
Our methods will include outreach ministry, special events, and teaching the word of God in a contemporary format.
The world is continuously changing and we will continue to enhance our methods in order to meet the needs of an ever-changing culture.
Ambassadors/New Members Purpose Class
Year I Joined Church on Purpose : Launching date
Family: Summer, Siarrah, Justinn
My Salvation Story: I accepted Christ at the age of 16 after dealing with the beating death of a close cousin and being greatly disillusioned by the hypocrasy and meanness of church people. The pressing question from my pastor was "What if you died today?" and I didn't know but didn't want to go to hell. God impressed upon me to stop looking at the people and look at Him. He is the one who saves. He is the standard to live by. And ever since, I've been keeping my eyes on Him.
Education: Bachelor Of Science Education
Previous Line of Work: Teacher
Best Thing Someone Has Said To Me: I am so glad that your are in my life.
Life Motto: This Too Shall Pass
Two People I Would Like to Meet: Michelle Obama,
My Heroes (Besides Jesus): --
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: At a very low season in my life, God asked me who took care of you before your husband died. My answer was you, God. His answer was and I will take care of you now. Now Rest in Me....
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: My first plane ride was at the age of 30.
Church On Purpose
325 South High Street, Longview, Texas 75601, United States