Hello Purpose Fam!
WE MADE IT!! It’s day 21! You have made it to the end of a 21 day fast. I believe that God has heard and is answering your prayers. For some of you it may seem like nothing really changed but just be patient. Change is coming! I am super proud of you for staying the course. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that we all need to embrace. I encourage you to schedule periodic times of fasting throughout the rest of this year. I am sure there will be another time that I will call the church to a fast. Until then, take it upon yourself to initiate fasting with you and your Family.
There are only three questions today but they will require some research. Do not overthink the answers just read the commentaries and write what God places on your heart. Most of you are developing an ear to hear what God is saying. He is speaking more clearly to you than ever. Stay focused and keep moving forward. Even after this fast is over, I encourage you to keep reading and studying your Bible. Pick another book to read. The book of James is a good book to study. I love you all and look forward to seeing you soon.
1. Look up the city of Illyrcium. What was significant about the city and why would Paul want to go there?
2. In verse 22 Paul states that he was “hindered” from coming to Rome. Using the context of his letter, why was he hindered?
3. In verse 31 Paul said that he hoped to be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe. What exactly did he mean?
Hello Purpose Family,
You have made it 20 days. Not only am I proud of you, but you should be proud of yourselves. Today's lesson is all about encouragement. I want you to take time and research some of the terms and words that Paul uses as he writes this portion of the letter to the Christian church at Rome. You may find today's lesson challenging, but also inspiring to see how God loves not only the Jews but also the Gentiles.
Love you all,
Hello Everybody,
Only a few more days left. Keep pushing through. Romans chapter 14 deals with diversity in the church. There was much confusion about how to handle differences of opinions or beliefs. To understand this chapter in depth, you may need to do some background study first. A Bible commentary is a great place to start. Some of your bible apps will usually have free commentaries. Also, the Matthew Henry or Tony Evans Commentaries are great resources. Use what you need. Happy hunting.
Love you all,
Hey Everybody,
It’s been eighteen days and counting. I am so proud of all of you. Romans
chapter 13 will challenge you to consider your walk with God. Take your time, think through and research each question. Ask God for wisdom and guidance. He will lead you to the appropriate understanding.
Love you All!
1. What are governing authorities?
2. What does the writer mean when he says there is no authority except from God?
3. What does it mean to resist authority?
4. How is the resistance of authority connected to the resistance of God’s ordinance?
5. Explain verse #8 in your own words?
6. How is Love the fulfillment of the law?
7. What does it mean to cast off the works of darkness?
8. What does it mean to put on the armor of light?
9. How do you put on the Lord Jesus?
10. What does it mean to make no provision for the flesh?
Hey Fam!!
I am so proud of you. You are hanging in there and rolling with the punches. By this stage of the fast, you should be an expert. Most of you will have experienced a little loss of weight. The flesh is more under control, and your appetite has lessened. Keep drinking plenty of water and keep praying as often as you can. Quiet time with God is essential to fasting. Keep going!
Romans chapter 12 is probably one of my favorite sections. It is one of the first passages that I committed to memory. I challenge you to memorize Romans chapter 12 verses 1 & 2. Now let’s get to these questions.
1. What does it mean to present your body “a living sacrifice?”
2. What does the writer mean by saying, “not be conformed to this world?”
3. What is the process of renewing your mind and why is it necessary?
4. What does the writer mean by the term “think soberly?”
5. What is the measure of faith?
6. How can you bless someone who persecutes you?
7. Why does the writer say to repay no one evil for evil?
8. What does it mean to live peaceably with all men?
9. Why do you think that God does not want us to avenge ourselves?
10. What does verse 21 mean to you?
Hello Purpose Fam!
Welcome to day 16. I pray that you guys enjoyed the virtual Bible Study Wednesday night. I encourage you to continue your focus on God and on the reading of His Word. Even if the answers are not easy to find, I want you to keep looking. Study diligently and remember to look for context clues. See you in the next chapter.
Blessings On You!
Happy Wednesday Purpose Fam!
I pray that you all have remained safe and warm. The roads are still pretty hazardous so be careful if you have to go out. I encourage you to read Romans chapter 10 verses one through 21. The questions below will help guide you into a deeper level of study. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper and keep them for later reference. Work hard, dig deep, and allow God to give you revelation from His Word. You are growing closer to God and you are beginning to hear Him speak clearly. Stay focused, and keep going. A New You is just around the corner!
Love you to pieces.
Pastor Love
Hey Purpose Fam!
Welcome to day #14. If you have been diligent in researching the questions, you have learned much about how to study the Bible in a deeper fashion. What you are currently being exposed to is what I do on a weekly basis. Studying the Bible can be very fun but it can also be challenging, frustrating and at times a little confusing. Lol.
I just want you to know that you are doing a great job. Even if you are not 100% sure that you’ve found the correct answer, write it down anyway because it will make for good research material in the future. I am proud of you for sticking it out. You are over half way there now. Keep going. The finish line is approaching..
Love you All,
Hello Purpose Fam!
Today’s questions are designed to make to think. You will need to do a little research to discover the answers. There are only 6 questions.. I pray that as you investigate the text, it will help you continue on your growth journey in Christ.
Love you all! Pastor
1. In verse #2 why did Paul have sorry and continual grief in his heart?
2. What was the relationship between Sarah and Rebecca?
3. Who was Sarah’s son?
4. Who was Rebecca’s son?
5. Verse 12 says “the older shall serve the younger.” Who is the text referring to?
6. Explain verse #13. Why was Jacob loved and Esau hated?
For the first half of the Fast, I took it pretty easy with the questions. They were fairly general and relatively easy to answer. For this second half of our fast, I will push you a little further in your study of the Word. I will add a few more questions and the answers will not be as obvious.
I encourage you to use whatever resources you have available and to create study groups to help think through the lessons. I plan to present the answers to the questions at a later time. For now, just focus on studying God's word, digging deep for revelational truth, and work on developing a closer relationship with God himself.
Love you all,
1. What does the writer of Romans mean when he says, “there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus?
2. What does Paul mean when he says, “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His?”
3. What does it mean to be led by the Spirit of God?
1. What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says, “you have also become dead through the body of Christ?”
2. Explain verse number 19 & 20 in your own words?
3. Why did Paul call himself a “wretched man?”
1. What does it mean to be buried with Him (Jesus) through baptism?
2. What does it mean to not let sin reign in your mortal body?
3. Explain, “the wages of sin is Death” in verse 23?
1. What does it mean to Glory in tribulations?
2. How did sin enter the world through one man?
3. How were many made righteous by one man’s obedience?
1. What does the phrase, “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin” mean?
2. What does it mean that Abraham is the father of us all?
3. Explained verse number 22, “And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness?”
1. What does it mean to fall short of the glory of God?
2. Defined the word propitiation? How does it apply in verse 25?
3. What point is Paul conveying in versus 27 through 31?
1. What does the statement, “let God be true but every man a liar,” mean.?
2. What does Paul mean when he says “There is none righteous, no, not one?”
3. Explain verse 20 in your own words?
1. Why did the Apostle Paul say in verse 24 that the name of God is blasphemed among the Jews?
2. What point was Paul making about circumcision in verses 25 through 29?
1. Chapter two begins with the words, “Therefore you are inexcusable.” Anytime we find the word “therefore,” in scripture, we must find out what it is “there for.” What is the word “therefor” there for, and why did he say they were “inexcusable?”
2. How does the goodness of God lead us to repentance?
3. What does Paul mean when he said “there is no partiality with God?”
4. What does Paul mean when he said the Gentiles, although they do not have the Law,
are a Law to themselves?
1. Paul calls himself a “bondservant” of Jesus Christ. What does he mean by that statement?
2 Paul said that he was called to be an Apostle. What does he mean?
3. What does the title “Apostle” mean and how were Apostles identified in scripture?
4. What does the term “separated to the gospel of God” mean?
5. What does it mean that Jesus was “born of the seed of David according to the flesh?”
6. Who was the book of Romans written to and which verse do you find the answer?
7. What did Paul mean when he said that he wanted to “impart some spiritual gift?”
8. What were the “Fruit” Paul wanted to have in verse 13?
9. Why was Paul not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
10. What does it mean that “The just shall live by Faith?”
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